DIY Hockey is a place for this beginner to collect information and ideas from all over the internet into one place. This is stuff I use as I work and play to get better, and hopefully you'll find something useful for yourself here too.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Evidence of Improvement

If you do a stickhandling drill every day, you will get better at it.  But the improvement can be so gradual that you don't feel like you're making progress.  Here's how to prove it to yourself, since seeing is believing.

Take a video of yourself doing the drill.  Phone camera, GoPro, video camera, whatever.  Just get at least thirty seconds of you doing the work.  A minute is better.  Don't worry if you mess up the drill, that's what this is for.  Don't stop it and start over again, just get a minute of you doing the drill today.  Save that video.

Practice that same drill for two weeks.  Put in the work.  Don't video it, don't watch the original video, just do the drill every day.

In two weeks, take another video of yourself doing the exact same drill.  Same angle if you can, same length of time.  Once again, just let the video run, don't worry about messing up.

Prepare to be amazed.  Watch the new video.

Now, watch the first video you did two weeks ago.

By contrasting the old and new videos like this, you'll see the huge improvement you've made, even if it doesn't feel like you've gotten better.  Look closely at the two videos, and make note of what you could do even better from here on.  Maybe you're not holding your hands out front enough, or you mess up your backhand too much.  Keep doing the drills, and concentrate on those weak parts of your stickhandling.

If you'd like, take another video in two weeks, and see if you still see improvement.  You will.  The main point here is to prove to yourself that the practice you do every day is working.  It does work.  You just saw it in two videos.

Have you tried something like this before?  Let me know in the comments below.

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