DIY Hockey is a place for this beginner to collect information and ideas from all over the internet into one place. This is stuff I use as I work and play to get better, and hopefully you'll find something useful for yourself here too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stronger Grip - Farmer's Walks

The Farmer's Walk is a very simple exercise that will make your hands and forearms stronger.

The idea is simple.  Grab something heavy in each hand and walk as far as you can with it, until you have to set it down.  For instance, an adult could carry a couple of 5 gallon buckets full of sand or water.  If that's too much, try a cinder block or brick in each hand.  For a youngster, big cans of soup, small dumbbells or even large books would work.  It's easy to tailor the weight to something you can handle for 30 seconds or so, but heavy enough that at the end you really want to put it down.

Rest for a minute or so, then turn around, pick up the weights again, and walk back to where you started.

Farmer's Walks are great for your forearms too, and your back... actually, it pretty darn good for your entire body.

Two or three times a week is enough for this one.

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