DIY Hockey is a place for this beginner to collect information and ideas from all over the internet into one place. This is stuff I use as I work and play to get better, and hopefully you'll find something useful for yourself here too.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Hand, Wrist and Forearm Strength - Forearm Roll

This simple piece of exercise equipment will really give your wrists and forearms a workout.  Known as a Forearm Roll, you might be able to make your own with stuff you already have in your garage or shop.

If not, the materials are simple and cheap.  Get a 24" length of closet dowel or 1" PVC pipe.  It doesn't have to be exactly 24", but don't go too much shorter than that.  For a youngster, a leftover piece of that 3/4" PVC we've been using for other DIY projects will work great (use the thick wall schedule 40 type).

Tie a length of clothesline or thin rope to the dowel.  Paracord works well too.  The rope should be long enough to reach the floor when you hold your arms straight out in front of you.  Make the knot tight enough so that it doesn't slide around the dowel as you try to roll it up.  A strip of duct tape over the knot helps here.

On the other end of the rope, tie a weight of some kind.  You can use a dumbbell, a small bag full of sand, or a weight set plate like in the picture above.  Be creative if you have to, what the item is isn't really important.  Again, for the youngsters you can try a mesh bag that onions or oranges come in, filled with a can or two from the pantry.

To use, stand straight up and hold the dowel in both hands with your arms extended straight out in front you you.  Now, start to roll up the rope by turning the dowel in your hands.  As the dowel turns, it will take up the rope, which in turn will lift up the weight.

When you get to the top, turn the dowel in the opposite direction to lower the weight back to the floor.  Repeat two or three times.

This exercise really works the forearms.  Don't try to go too heavy with the weight, try something relatively light at first.

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